- Leeb, S.B., J.L. Kirtley, Jr., and G.C. Verghese, “Recognition of Dynamic Patterns in DC-DC Switching Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 296-302, Apr. 1991 (also appeared in IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1989).
- White, J., and S.B. Leeb, “An Envelope-Following Approach to Switching Power Converter Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 303-307, Apr. 1991.
- Leeb, S.B., J.L. Kirtley, Jr., D.S. Woodruff, and M.S. Le Van, “Building-Level Power Network Analysis,” IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 30-35, Jan. 1992.
- Karl, W.C., S.B. Leeb, L.A. Jones, J.L. Kirtley, Jr., and G.C. Verghese, “Applications of Rank-Based Filters in Power Electronics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 437-444, Jul. 1992.
- Leeb, S.B., S.R. Shaw, J.L. Kirtley, Jr., “Transient Event Detection in Spectral Envelope Estimates for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 10, Number 3, pp. 1200-1210, Jul. 1995 (also Paper 95 WM 042-2-PWRD IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Jan. 1995).
- Eissa, M.O., S.B. Leeb, G.C. Verghese, and A.M. Stankovic, “Fast Analog Control for a Power Factor Correcting Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 11, Number 1, pp. 1-6, Jan. 1996.
- Norford, L.K., S.B. Leeb, “Non-Intrusive Electrical Load Monitoring in Commercial Buildings Based on Steady State and Transient Load-Detection Algorithms,” Energy and Buildings, Volume 24, pp. 51-64, 1996.
- Mitwalli, A.H., S.B. Leeb, G.C. Verghese, and V.J. Thottuvelil, “An Adaptive Digital Controller for a Unity Power Factor Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 11, Number 2, pp. 374-382, Mar. 1996.
- Khan, U.A., S.B. Leeb, M.C. Lee, “A Multiprocessor for Transient Event Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 51-60, Jan. 1997 (also Paper 96 SM 520-7 PWRD IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Denver, CO, Jul. 1996).
- Jackson, D.K., C. Wang, S.B. Leeb, T. Tanaka, A. Mitwalli, and D. Fusco, “A Sensor for Measuring Gel Phase-Transition Temperature, with Potential as a Metal Ion Detector,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 8, Number 2, pp. 184-190, Feb. 1997.
- Jackson, D.K., S.B. Leeb, A.H. Mitwalli, P. Narvaez, D. Fusco, E.C. Lupton, “Power Electronic Drives for Magnetically Triggered Gels,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 44, Number 2, pp. 217-225, Apr. 1997.
- Leeb, S.B., A. Ortiz, R.F. Lepard, S.R. Shaw, and J.L. Kirtley, Jr., “Applications of Real-Time Median Filtering with Fast Digital and Analog Sorters,” IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 136-143, Jun. 1997.
- Mitwalli, A.H., Denison, T., Jackson, D.K., Leeb, S.B., Tanaka, T., “Closed-Loop Feedback Control of Magnetically-Activated Gels,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 8, Number 7, pp. 596-604, Jul. 1997.
- Jackson, D.K., Schultz, A.M., Leeb, S.B., Mitwalli, A.H., Verghese, G.C., “A Multirate Digital Controller for a 1.5kW Electric Vehicle Battery Charger,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 12, Number 6, pp. 1000-1006, Nov. 1997.
- Jackson, D.K., Buffaloe, T.K., Leeb, S.B., “Fiat Lux: A Fluorescent Lamp Digital Transceiver,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 34, Number 3, pp. 625-630, May/Jun. 1998.
- Shaw, S.R., Abler, C.B., Lepard, R.F., Luo, D., Leeb, S.B., Norford, L.K., “Instrumentation for High-Performance Nonintrusive Electrical Load Monitoring,” ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Volume 120, Number 3, pp. 224-229, Aug. 1998.
- Shaw, S.R., Leeb, S.B., “Identification of Induction Motor Parameters from Transient Stator Current Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 46, Number 1, pp. 139-149, Feb. 1999.
- Shaw, S.R., Lepard, R.F., Leeb, S.B., Laughman, C.R., “A Power Quality Prediction System,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 47, Number 3, pp. 511-517, Jun. 2000.
- Jackson, D.K., Leeb, S.B., Shaw, S.R., “Adaptive Control of Power Electronic Drives for Servomechanical Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 15, Number 6, pp. 1045-1055, Nov. 2000.
- Burke, D.T., Leeb, S.B., Hinman, R.T., Lupton, E.C., Burke, J., Schneider, J.C., Ahangar, B., Simpson, K., Mayer, E.A.K., “Using Talking Lights to Assist Brain-Injured Patients with Daily Inpatient Therapeutic Schedule,” The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Volume 16, Number 3, pp. 284-291, Jun. 2001.
- Shaw, S.R., Luo, D., Norford, L.K., Leeb, S.B., “Detection of HVAC Faults via Electrical Load Monitoring,” International Journal of HVAC&R Research, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 13-40, Jan. 2002.
- Luo, D., Norford, L.K., Shaw, S.R., Leeb, S.B., “Monitoring HVAC Equipment Electrical Loads from a Centralized Location Methods and Field Test Results,” ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 108, Part 1, Jan. 2002.
- Jackson, D.K., Leeb, S.B., “A Digitally Controlled Amplifier with Ripple Cancellation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Special Issue on Digital Control, Volume 18, Number 1, Part 2, pp. 486-494, Jan. 2003.
- Hinman, R.T., Lupton, E.C., Leeb, S.B., Avestruz, A., Gilmore, R., Paul, D., Peterson, N., “Using Talking Lights Illumination Networks to Enhance Word Comprehension by Subjects who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing,” American Journal of Audiology, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 17-22, Jun. 2003.
- Shaw, S.R., Keppler, M., Leeb, S.B., “Pre-Estimation for Better Initial Guesses,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 53, Number 3, pp. 762-769, Jun. 2004.
- Lee, K.D., Leeb, S.B., Norford, L.K., Armstrong, P., Holloway, J., Shaw, S.R., “Estimation of Variable Speed Drive Power Consumption from Harmonic Content,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 20, Number 3, pp. 566-574, Sep. 2005.
- Armstrong, P.R., Laughman, C.R., Leeb, S.B., Norford, L.K., “Detection of Rooftop Cooling Unit Faults Based on Electrical Measurements,” International Journal of HVAC&R Research, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 151-176, Jan. 2006.
- Armstrong, P.R., S.B. Leeb, L.K. Norford, “Control with Building Mass – Part 1: Thermal Response Model,” ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 112, Part 1, 2006.
- Armstrong, P.R., S.B. Leeb, L.K. Norford, “Control with Building Mass – Part 2: Simulation,” ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 112, Part 1, 2006.
- Zhu, T., S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Transient Recognition Control for Hybrid Fuel Cell Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 21, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 195-201.
- Rodriguez, J.I., S.B. Leeb, “A Multilevel Inverter Topology for Inductively Coupled Power Transfer,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 21, No. 6, November 2006, pp. 1607-1617.
- Mitchell, G.R., R.W. Cox, J. Paris, S.B. Leeb, “Shipboard Fluid System Diagnostic Indicators Using Non-Intrusive Load,” Naval Engineer’s Journal, Volume 119, No. 1, November 2007.
- Shaw, S.R., S.B. Leeb, L.K. Norford, R.W. Cox, “Nonintrusive Load Monitoring and Diagnostics in Power Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 57, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 1445-1454.
- Wichakool, W., A. Avestruz, R.W. Cox, S.B. Leeb, “Modeling and Estimating Current Harmonics of Variable Electronic Loads,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Special Issue, Volume 24, No. 12, December 2009, pp. 2803-2811.
- Rodriguez, J.I., S.B. Leeb, “Nonresonant and Resonant Frequency-Selectable Induction-Heating Targets,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 57, No. 9, September 2010, pp. 3095-3108.
- Leeb, S., Kirtley, J.L., Wichakool, W., Remscrim, Z., Tidd, C., Goshorn, A., Thomas, K., Cox, R., Chaney, R., “How Much DC Power is Necessary?,” Naval Engineer’s Journal, Volume 122, Issue 2, June 2010 (also online January 2011), pp. 79-92.
- Taub, D., S.B. Leeb, E.C. Lupton, R.T. Hinman, J. Zeisel, S. Blackler, “The Escort System: A Safety Monitor for People Living with Alzheimer’s Disease,” IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 10, No. 2, April/June 2011, pp. 68-76.
- Cooley, J., A. Avestruz, S.B. Leeb, “Small-signal analysis of fully-differential closed-loop op-amp circuits with arbitrary external impedance elements,” IET Circuits, Devices, & Systems, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 2011, pp. 371-383.
- Cooley, J., A. Avestruz, S.B. Leeb, “A Retrofit Capacitive Occupancy Detector using Fluorescent Lamps,” IEEE IES Transactions, Volume 59, No. 4, April 2012, pp. 1898-1911.
- Avestruz, A., J. Cooley, D. Vickery, J. Paris, S.B. Leeb, “Dimmable Solid-State Ballast with Integral Capacitive Occupancy Sensor,” IEEE IES Transactions, Volume 59, No. 4, April 2012, pp. 1739-1750.
- Zhu, T., S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Electric Load Transient Recognition with a Cluster Weighted Modeling Method,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013, pp. 2182-2190.
- Cooley, J.J., P. Lindahl, C. Zimmerman, M. Cornachione, G. Jordan, S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Multi-converter System Design for Fuel Cell Buffering and Diagnostics under UAV Load Profiles,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 29, No. 6, June 2014, pp. 3232-3244.
- Gillman, M., J. Donnal, J. Paris, C. Schantz, U. Orji, S.B. Leeb, M. El-Sayed, K. Wertz, S. Schertz, “Energy Accountability Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 14, No. 6, June 2014, pp. 1923-1931.
- Leeb, S.B., J.L. Kirtley, S. Muller, “Build to Win: Electric Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 4, July 2014, pp. 1928-1935.
- Leeb, S.B., M. Alvira, R.W. Cox, J.J. Cooley, J.L. Kirtley, S.R. Shaw, “Build to Win: Power Electronics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 4, July 2014, pp. 1936-1943.
- Paris, J., J. Donnal, Z. Remscrim, S.B. Leeb, S.R. Shaw, “The Sinefit Spectral Envelope Preprocessor,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2014, pp. 4385-4394.
- Paris, J., J. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “NilmDB: The Nonintrusive Load Monitor Database,” accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Paris, J., J. Donnal, R. Cox, S.B. Leeb, “Hunting Cyclic Energy Wasters,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2014, pp. 2459-2467.
- Wichakool, W., Z. Remscrim, U.A. Orji, S.B. Leeb, “Smart Metering of Variable Power Loads,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2015, pp. 189-198.
- Banerjee, A., M. Tomovich, S.B. Leeb, J.L. Kirtley, “Power Converter Sizing for a Switched Doubly-Fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2015, pp. 248-258.
- Banerjee, Arijit, M. Tomovich, S. Leeb, J. Kirtley, “Control Architecture for a Switched Doubly-fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 2, March-April 2015, pp. 1538-1550.
- Orji, U., B. Sievenpiper, K. Gerhard, S.B. Leeb, N. Doerry, J. Kirtley, and T. McCoy, “Load Modeling for Power System Requirement and Capability Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 30, No. 3, May 2015, pp. 1415-1423.
- Chang, A., A. Avestruz, S.B. Leeb, “Capacitor-less Photovoltaic Cell-Level Power Balancing using Diffusion Charge Redistribution,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2015, pp. 537-546.
- Banerjee, Arijit, A.H. Chang, K. Suarkitbovorn, S. Leeb, J. Kirtley, “Bumpless Automatic Transfer for a Switched Doubly-Fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 4, July-August 2015, pp. 3147-3158.
- Moon, J., B. Leeb, “Analysis Model for Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 8, August 2015, pp. 4302-4311.
- Schantz, C., J. Donnal, B. Sennett, M. Gillman, S. Muller, and S. Leeb, “Water Nonintrusive Load Monitoring,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2015, pp. 2177-2185.
- Donnal, J., S.B. Leeb, “Non-Contact Power Meter,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, February, 2015, pp. 1161-1169.
- Orji, U., Z. Remscrim, C. Schantz, J. Donnal, J. Paris, M. Gillman, K. Surakitbovorn, S.B. Leeb, and J.L. Kirtley, Jr., “Nonintrusive Induction Motor Speed Detection,” IET Energy and Power Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2015, pp. 388-396.
- Banerjee, A., A. S.B. Leeb, J.L. Kirtley, “Solid State Transfer Switch Topologies for a Switched Doubly-Fed Machine Drive,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 8, 2016, pp. 5709-5720.
- Schantz, C., K. Gerhard, J. Donnal, J. Moon, B. Sievenpiper, S.B. Leeb, and K. Thomas, “Retrofitable Machine Condition and Structural Excitation Monitoring from the Terminal Box,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2016, pp. 1224-1232.
- Moon, J., S.B. Leeb, “Power Electronic Circuits for Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2016, pp. 270-279.
- Chang, A.H., B.R. Sennett, A. Avestruz, S.B. Leeb, J.L. Kirtley, “Analysis and Design of DC System Protection using Z-Source Circuit Breaker,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2016, pp. 1036-1049.
- Lawrence, D., J. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “Current and Voltage Reconstruction from Non-Contact Field Measurements,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. No., 2016, pp. 1-9.
- Donnal, J., J. Paris, S.B. Leeb, “Energy Applications for an Energy Box,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. No., 2016, pp. 1-9.
- Lindahl, P., A. Avestruz, W. Thompson, E. George, B. Sennett, S.B. Leeb, “A Transmitter-Receiver System for Long-Range Capacitive Sensing Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. No., 2016, pp. 1-12.
- Zachar, R., P. Lindahl, J. Donnal, W. Cotta, C. Schantz, S.B. Leeb, “Utilizing Spin-Down Transients for Vibration-Based Diagnostics of Resiliently Mounted Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 65, No. 7, 2016, pp. 1641-1650.
- Lawrence, D., J. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, Yiou He, “Non-Contact Measurement of Line Voltage,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, No. 24, 2016, pp. 8990-8997.
- Orji, U., C. Schantz, S.B. Leeb, J.L. Kirtley, B. Sievenpiper, K. Gerhard, T. McCoy, “Adaptive Zonal Protection for Ring Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. No., 2017, pp. 1-9.
- Donnal, J., P. Lindahl, D. Lawrence, R. Zachar, S.B. Leeb, “Untangling Non-Contact Power Monitoring Puzzles,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 17, No. 11, 2017, pp. 3542-3550.
- Schantz, C., S.B. Leeb, “Self-Sensing Induction Motors for Condition Monitoring,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 17, No. 12, 2017, pp. 3735-3743.
- Lindahl, P., G. Bredariol, J. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “Noncontact Electrical System Monitoring on a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter,” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, Vol. 20, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 11-20.
- Moon, J., S.B. Leeb, “Wire-Less Sensors for Electromechanical Systems Diagnostics,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 67, No. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 2235-2246.
- Aboulian, A. et al., “NILM Dashboard: A Power System Monitor for Electromechanical Equipment Diagnostics,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Aboulian, A., J.S. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “Autonomous Calibration of Non-Contact Power Monitors,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, No. 13, 1 July 2018, pp. 5376-5385.
- Lindahl, P.A., D.H. Green, G. Bredariol, A. Aboulian, J.S. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “Shipboard Fault Detection Through Nonintrusive Load Monitoring: A Case Study,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, No. 21, 1 Nov. 2018, pp. 8986-8995.
- Lindahl, P.A., S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Fuel Cell Stack Emulation for Cell and Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 67, No. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 2143-2152.
- Peeters, C., Q. Leclere, J. Antoni, P. Lindahl, J. Donnal, S. Leeb, J. Helsen, “Review and Comparison of Tacholess Instantaneous Speed Estimation Methods on Experimental Vibration Data,” Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018.
- Gutierrez, M., P.A. Lindahl, A. Banerjee, S.B. Leeb, “An Energy Buffer for Controllable Input Impedance of Constant Power Loads,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55, Issue 3, May-June 2019.
- Shabshab, S.C., P.A. Lindahl, J.K. Nowocin, S.B. Leeb, “Voltage Waveform Transient Identification for Autonomous Load Coordination,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 123128-123137, 2019.
- Aboulian, A. et al., “NILM Dashboard: A Power System Monitor for Electromechanical Equipment Diagnostics,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1405-1414, March 2019.
- Green, D., T. Kane, S. Kidwell, P. Lindahl, J. Donnal, S. Leeb, “NILM dashboard: Actionable feedback for condition-based maintenance,” in IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 3-10, Aug. 2020.
- Green, D.H., S.R. Shaw, P. Lindahl, T.J. Kane, J.S. Donnal, S.B. Leeb, “A MultiScale Framework for Nonintrusive Load Identification,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 992-1002, Feb. 2020.
- Saathoff, E.K., Z.J. Pitcher, S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Inrush Current Testing,” 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2020, pp. 2319-2326.
- Lindahl, P.A. et al., “Nonintrusive Load Monitoring of Variable Speed Drive Cooling Systems,” in IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 211451-211463, 2020.
- Shabshab, S.C. et al., “Demand Smoothing in Military Microgrids Through Coordinated Direct Load Control,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1917-1927, May 2020.
- Ponce, E.A., S.B. Leeb, “A 3-D Field Solution for Axially Polarized Multi-Pole Ring Permanent Magnets and its Application in Position Measurement,” in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 1-9, March 2020, Art no. 8000309.
- Huchel, Ł., J. Helsen, P.A. Lindahl, S.B. Leeb, “Diagnostics for Periodically Excited Actuators,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 69, No. 7, pp. 4145-4153, July 2020.
- Shabshab, S.C., P.A. Lindahl, S.B. Leeb, J.K. Nowocin, “Autonomous Demand Smoothing for Efficiency Improvements on Military Forward Operating Bases,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 2243-2251, Oct. 2020.
- Saathoff, E.K., S.R. Shaw, S.B. Leeb, “Line Impedance Estimation,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, pp. 1-10, 2021, Art no. 6501810.
- Ponce, E. A., S. B. Leeb and P. A. Lindahl, “Know the Flow: Non-Contact Magnetic Flow Rate Sensing for Water Meters,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 802-811, 1 Jan. 2021.
- O’Connell, J. W. et al., “Nonintrusive Ventilation System Diagnostics,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 17, pp. 19268-19278, 1 Sept. 2021.
- Deeter, T. et al., “Behavioral Modeling for Microgrid Simulation,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 35633-35645, 2021.
- Huchel, Ł., T. C. Krause, S. B. Leeb and J. Helsen, “Stretched Sensing Strategies for IEPE,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-10, 2021, Art no. 2003210.
- Kircher, K. J., Y. Cai, L. K. Norford and S. B. Leeb, “Controlling Big, Diverse, Nonlinear Load Aggregations for Grid Services by Adjusting Device Setpoints,” 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021, pp. 6377-6384.
- Huchel, Ł., T. C. Krause, T. Ługowski, S. B. Leeb and J. Helsen, “Chasing the Cut: A Measurement Approach for Machine Tool Condition Monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-10, 2021, Art no. 3509610.
- Saathoff, E. K., D. H. Green, R. A. Agustin, J. W. O’Connell and S. B. Leeb, “Inrush Current Measurement for Transient Space Characterization and Fault Detection,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-10, 2021, Art no. 3520410.
- Lee, K., L. Huchel, D. H. Green and S. B. Leeb, “Automatic Power Frequency Rejection Instrumentation for Nonintrusive Frequency Signature Tracking,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-11, 2021, Art no. 3500311.
- Kircher, K., A. Aderibole, L. K. Norford and S. Leeb, “Distributed Peak Shaving for Small Aggregations of Cyclic Loads,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, February 2022.
- Krause, T. C., K. Camenzind, D. H. Green, A. Moeller, Ł. Huchel and S. B. Leeb, “A Sensor Topology for Noncontact AC Voltage Measurement of Polyphase Cables,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-10, 2022, Art no. 1500110.
- Aderibole, A. O., K. J. Kircher, S. B. Leeb and L. K. Norford, “Distributed Load Control Using Reliable Low-Data-Rate Power Line Communication,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 50242-50253, 2022.
- Langham, A. W., D. H. Green and S. B. Leeb, “Resolution Analysis for Power System Measurement and Transient Identification,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-10, 2022, Art no. 9002010.
- Gutierrez, M., P. A. Lindahl and S. B. Leeb, “Constant Power Load Modeling for a Programmable Impedance Control Strategy,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 293-301, Jan. 2022.
- Aderibole, A. O., E. K. Saathoff, K. J. Kircher, S. B. Leeb and L. K. Norford, “Power Line Communication for Low-Bandwidth Control and Sensing,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 2172-2181, June 2022.
- Mills, B. T., D. H. Green, J. S. Donnal and S. B. Leeb, “Power Monitoring Beyond Radial Distribution Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-9, 2022.
- Ponce, E. A. and S. B. Leeb, “Passive Probe: Mechanically-Modulated Field Sensing for Motion Tracking and Flow Estimation,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 4591-4600, March 1, 2022.
- Aderibole, A. O., K. J. Kircher, S. B. Leeb and L. K. Norford, “Distributed Load Control Using Reliable Low-Data-Rate Power Line Communication,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 50242-50253, 2022.
- Gutierrez, M., E. K. Saathoff, E. Ponce and S. B. Leeb, “Sub Line-Frequency Stability Analysis of Single-Phase Constant Power Loads Using Envelope Impedance,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 13310-13318, Nov. 2022.
- Green, D. H., D. W. Quinn, S. Madden, P. A. Lindahl and S. B. Leeb, “Nonintrusive Measurements for Detecting Progressive Equipment Faults,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-12, 2022.
- Monagle, D., E. Ponce and S. B. Leeb, “Generalized Analysis Method for Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 15764-15773, Dec. 2022.
- Green, D. H., P. A. Lindahl and S. B. Leeb, “Three-Phase Electrical Measurement Representations for Nonintrusive Load Diagnostics,” in IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 1, pp. 1-14, 2022.
- Green, D. H., A. W. Langham, D. W. Quinn, T. C. Krause, S. R. Shaw and S. B. Leeb, “Energy Disaggregation of Stochastic Power Behavior,” in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 117985-117999, 2022.
- Green, D. H., A. W. Langham, R. A. Agustin, D. W. Quinn and S. B. Leeb, “Physics-Informed Feature Space Evaluation for Diagnostic Power Monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 2363-2373, March 2023.
- Krause, T. C., D. W. Quinn, Ł. Huchel and S. B. Leeb, “Vibration-Based Measurement of Activated Cylinders in Reciprocating Machines,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-15, 2023.
- Aderibole, A. O., E. K. Saathoff, K. J. Kircher, A. W. Langham, L. K. Norford and S. B. Leeb, “Characterizing Low-Data-Rate Power Line Communication Channels,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-12, 2023.
- Langham, A. W., A. Moeller, D. W. Quinn, T. C. Krause, D. H. Green and S. B. Leeb, “Securable Networks for Nonintrusive Sensor Fusion,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-13, 2023.
- Krause, T. C., Ł. Huchel, D. H. Green, K. Lee and S. B. Leeb, “Nonintrusive Motor Current Signature Analysis,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-13, 2023.
- Aderibole, A. O., K. J. Kircher, E. K. Saathoff, S. B. Leeb and L. K. Norford, “Adaptive Power Line Communication for Low-Data-Rate Control and Sensing,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2213-2223, June 2023.
- Langham, A. W., J. Donnal and S. Leeb, “NILM-Net: Anonymous Coordination of Real-Time Power Monitors for Smart Grid Applications,” 2023 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Denver, CO, USA, 2023.
- Green, D. H., A. W. Langham, R. A. Agustin, D. W. Quinn and S. B. Leeb, “Adaptation for Automated Drift Detection in Electromechanical Machine Monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 6768-6782, Oct. 2023.
- Krause, T. C., J. L. Kirtley and S. B. Leeb, “Approximate Protocol for Increased Induction Motor Drive Efficiency,” 2023 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023.
- Monagle, D., E. A. Ponce and S. B. Leeb, “Rule the Joule: An Energy Management Design Guide for Self-Powered Sensors,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 6-15, 1 Jan, 2024.
- Monagle, D., E. Ponce and S. B. Leeb, “Resonant Circuits for Split-Core Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 9932-9941, Aug. 2024.
- Langham, A. W., T. C. Krause, D. H. Green and S. B. Leeb, “Multistream Power Monitoring for Energy Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 4850-4860, Sept. 2024.
- Karl, C., S. B. Leeb, L. A. Jones, J. L. Kirtley, Jr., and G. C. Verghese, “Applications of a Class of Nonlinear Filters to Problems in Power Electronics,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 1990, pp. 35-42.
- Leeb, S. B., A. Ortiz, and J. L. Kirtley, Jr., “Real-Time Median Filtering with a Fast Hardware Sorter,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, TX, March 1991, pp. 254-260.
- Silveira, L. M., J. White, and S. B. Leeb, “A Modified Envelope-Following Approach to Clocked Analog Circuit Simulation,” IEEE ICCAD, 20-23 November 1991.
- Mitwalli, A. H., S. B. Leeb, G. C. Verghese, and V. J. Thottuvelil, “A Digital Controller for a Unity Power Factor Power Converter,” Proceeding of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Berkeley, California, August 1992, pp. 173-181.
- Leeb, S. B., J. L. Kirtley, Jr., “Multiresolution Transient Event Detector for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring,” International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Maui, Hawaii, November 1993, pp. 354-359.
- Eissa, M. O., S. B. Leeb, G. C. Verghese, and A. M. Stankovic, “A Fast Analog Controller for a Unity-Power-Factor AC/DC Converter,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Orlando, Florida, pp. 551-555, 1994.
- Leeb, S. B., S. R. Shaw, “Harmonic Estimates for Transient Event Detection,” Universities Power Engineering Conference, Galway, Ireland, pp. 133-136, September 1994.
- Mitwalli, A. H., S. B. Leeb, T. Tanaka, and U. Sinha, “Polymer Gel Actuators – Status Report,” Universities Power Engineering Conference, Galway, Ireland, pp. 871-875, September 1994.
- Leeb, S. B., B. C. Lesieutre, and S. R. Shaw, “Determination of Load Composition Using Spectral Envelope Estimates,” 27th Annual North American Power Symposium, Bozeman, Montana, pp. 618-627, October 1995.
- Schultz, A. M., S. B. Leeb, A. H. Mitwalli, G. C. Verghese, and S. R. Shaw, “A Multirate Digital Controller for an Electric Vehicle Battery Charger,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Baveno, Italy, pp. 1919-1925, June 1996.
- Jackson, D. K., S. B. Leeb, A. H. Mitwalli, P. Narvaez, D. Fusco, and E. C. Lupton, “Power Electronic Drives for Magnetically Triggered Phase Transition Gels,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Baveno, Italy, pp. 302-309, June 1996.
- Shaw, S. R., R. F. Lepard, and S. B. Leeb, “DESIRE: A Power Quality Prediction System,” 28th Annual North American Power Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 581-586, November 1996.
- Buffaloe, T. K., D. K. Jackson, S. B. Leeb, M. F. Schlecht, and R. A. Leeb, “Fiat Lux: A Fluorescent Lamp Transceiver,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 1037-1041, February 1997.
- Jackson, D. K., S. B. Leeb, A. M. Schultz, and A. H. Mitwalli, “A Comparison of Multirate Digital Compensators for a Battery Charger,” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Portland, Oregon, pp. 58-65, June 1997.
- Shaw, S. R., D. K. Jackson, T. A. Denison, and B. Leeb, “Computer-Aided Design and Application of Sinusoidal Switching Patterns,” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Como, Italy, pp. 185-191, 1998.
- Jackson, D. K., S. B. Leeb, S. R. Shaw, “Adaptive Control of an Inductive Power Transfer Coupling for Servomechanical Systems,” 1999 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, pp. 1191-1198, June 1999.
- Norford, L. K., S. B. Leeb, D. Luo, and S. R. Shaw, “Advanced Electrical Load Monitoring: A Wealth of Information at Low Cost,” Diagnostics for Buildings Conference: from Research to Practice, San Francisco, CA, pages 1-12, June 1999.
- Shaw, S. R., D. Evangelista, S. B. Leeb, and C. R. Laughman, “Nonintrusive Load Monitoring and Identification in an Automotive Environment,” Proceedings of ELECTRIMACS 1999, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 199-204, September 1999.
- Jackson, D. K., S. B. Leeb, “Feedforward Ripple Cancellation for a Full-Bridge Converter,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 347-352, February 2000.
- Leeb, S. B., G. B. Hovorka, E. C. Lupton, R. T. Hinman, B. L. Bentzen, R. D. Easton, and L. Lashell, “Assistive Communication Systems for Disabled Individuals using Visible Lighting,” CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Technologies and Persons with Disabilities Conference, California, pages 1-5 (cdrom), March 2000.
- Leeb, S. B., A. H. Mitwalli, “Responsive Polymer Actuators and Sensors,” International Conference on Advanced Prosthetics, Newport Beach, CA, pages 1-12, April 2000.
- Jackson, D. K., S. B. Leeb, “A Power Factor Corrector with Bidirectional Power Transfer Capability,” Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Galway, Ireland, pp. 18-23, June 2000.
- Rodriguez, J. I., D. K. Jackson, S. B. Leeb, “Capability Analysis for an Inductively Coupled Power Transfer System,” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Blacksburg, VA, pp. 59-63, July 2000.
- Hinman, R., S. B. Leeb, A. Avestruz, E. C. Lupton, B. L. Bentzen, and R. Easton, “Dual-Use Lighting for Assistive Communications,” Proceedings of the 2002 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pages 1-6, January 2002.
- Rodriguez, J. I., S. B. Leeb, “A Multilevel Inverter Topology for Inductive Power Transfer,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Miami, Florida, pp. 1118-1126, February 2003.
- Rodriguez, J. I., R. He, S. B. Leeb, “Frequency Selectable Induction Heating Targets,” Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 1943-1950, June 2003.
- Laughman, C. R., S. R. Shaw, S. B. Leeb, “Estimating Automobile Chassis Voltage Distortion Using Load Currents,” International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Blacksburg, VA, pages 1-5, November 2003.
- Leeb, S. B., “Putting Profit into Power Electronic Products with Digital Control,” Applied Power Electronics Conference: Plenary Session, Anaheim, CA, pp. 35-44, February 2004.
- Rodriguez, J. I., and S. B. Leeb, “Resonant Frequency Selectable Induction Heating Targets,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Anaheim, CA, pp. 1877-1883, February 2004.
- Avestruz, A., J. I. Rodriguez, R. Hinman, G. Livshin, N. Lupton, S. B. Leeb, “Stability Considerations and Performance of Wide Dynamic Range, Ambient Light Active Rejection Circuits in Photodiode Receivers,” American Control Conference 2004, Boston, MA, pp. WEA12.2, June-July 2004.
- Armstrong, P. R., C. R. Laughman, S. B. Leeb, L. K. Norford, “Fault Detection Based on Motor Start Transients and Shaft Harmonics Measured at the RTU Electrical Service,” Seventeenth International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, pp. R137, July 12-15 2004.
- Cox, R. W., S. B. Leeb, L. K. Norford, “A minimally intrusive, low-cost system for determining air flow patterns,” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, pp. 44-49, August 2004.
- Avestruz, A., R. Cox, J. Holloway, S. B. Leeb, “Voltage regulation in induction machines with multiple stator windings by zero sequence harmonic control,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, February.
- Ramsey, J. S., S. B. Leeb, T. Denucci, J. Paris, M. Obar, R. Cox, C. Laughman, T. McCoy, “Shipboard Applications of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” American Society for Naval Engineers Reconfiguration and Survivability Symposium, Orlando, FL, February.
- Greene, W. C., J. S. Ramsey, S. B. Leeb, T. Denucci, J. Paris, M. Obar, R. Cox, C. Laughman, T. McCoy, “Non-Intrusive Monitoring for Condition-Based Maintenance,” American Society for Naval Engineers Reconfiguration and Survivability Symposium, Orlando, FL, February.
- DeNucci, T., R. Cox, S. B. Leeb, J. Paris, T. J. McCoy, C. R. Laughman, W. C. Greene, “Diagnostic Indicators for Shipboard Systems using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, July 2005.
- Cox, R. W., J. P. Mosman, D. McKay, S. B. Leeb, T. McCoy, “Diagnostic Indicators for Shipboard Cycling Systems Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” American Society for Naval Engineers Day 2006, Arlington, VA, June.
- Laughman, C. R., Armstrong, P. R., L. K. Norford, S. B. Leeb, “The Detection of Liquid Slugging Phenomena in Reciprocating Compressors Via Power Measurements,” International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, C084, July 17-20 2006.
- Avestruz, A. and S. B. Leeb, “DSP Control of Multi-use Induction Machines with Multiple Stator Windings: Closed-Loop Voltage Regulation and Speed,” Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Troy, New York, July 2006.
- Cooley, J., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “Proximity Detection and Ranging Using a Modified Fluorescent Lamp for Security Applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Lexington, Kentucky, October 2006.
- Cox, R., P. Bennett, D. McKay, J. Paris, S. B. Leeb, “Using the Non-Intrusive Load Monitor for Shipboard Supervisory Control,” IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, Arlington, VA, May 2007.
- Cooley, J., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “A Modified Fluorescent Lamp for Discreet Biometric Surveillance,” 2007 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Woburn, Massachusetts, May 2007.
- Cox, R. W., M. Piber, G. Mitchell, P. Bennett, J. Paris, W. Wichakool, S. B. Leeb, “Improving Shipboard Maintenance Practices Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” ASNE Intelligent Ships Symposium VII, Philadelphia, PA, May 2007.
- Wichakool, W., A. Avestruz, R. W. Cox, S. B. Leeb, “Resolving Power Consumption of Variable Power Electronic Loads Using Nonintrusive Monitoring,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2007.
- Leeb, S. B., M. Alvira, R. W. Cox, J. J. Cooley, J. L. Kirtley, Jr., S. R. Shaw, “Build to Win: A Hands-On Approach to Undergraduate Instruction in Power Electronics,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Power Electronics Education Workshop, Orlando, FL, June 2007.
- Leeb, S. B., J. L. Kirtley, E. Tung, W. Wichakool, R. Bavetta, S. R. Shaw, R. W. Cox, “Motor Designs for Instruction in Drives,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Power Electronics Education Workshop, Orlando, FL, June 2007.
- Avestruz, A., C. Wilson, R. W. Cox, S. Campbell, S. B. Leeb, “A Hands-On Approach to Advanced Undergraduate Instruction in Control and Circuitry in Power Electronics,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Power Electronics Education Workshop, Orlando, FL, June 2007.
- Cooley, J. J., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, L. Norford, “A Fluorescent Lamp with Integral Proximity Sensor for Building Energy Management,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2007.
- Mitchell, R. W. Cox, M. Piber, P. Bennett, J. Paris, W. Wichakool, S. B. Leeb, “Shipboard Fluid System Diagnostic Indicators Using Nonintrusive Load Monitoring,” ASNE Day 2007, Arlington, VA, June 2007.
- Cooley, J. J., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “An Autonomous Distributed Demand-side Energy Management Network Using Fluorescent Lamps,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 2008.
- Proper, E., R. Cox, P. Branch, R. Jones, A. Fuller, S. B. Leeb, E. L. Foulks, “A Real-time Non-Intrusive Load Monitor for Shipboard Applications,” ASNE Day 2008, Arlington, VA, June 2008.
- Laughman, C. R., R. LaFoy, W. Wichakool, P. Armstrong, S. B. Leeb, et al., “Electrical and Mechanical Methods for Detecting Liquid Slugging in Reciprocating Compressors,” International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, C1437, July 14-17, 2008.
- Proper, E., R. Cox, S. B. Leeb, K. Douglas, J. Paris, W. Wichakool, L. Foulks, R. Jones, P. Branch, A. Fuller, J. Leghorn, G. Elkins, “Field Demonstration of a Real-Time Non-Intrusive Monitoring System for Condition-Based Maintenance,” Electric Ship Design Symposium, National Harbor, Maryland, February 2009.
- Paris, J., Z. Remscrim, K. Douglas, S. B. Leeb, et al., “Scalability of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Shipboard Applications,” ASNE Day 2009, National Harbor, Maryland, April 2009.
- Laughman, C. R., S. B. Leeb, L. K. Norford, S. R. Shaw, P. R. Armstrong, “A Two-Step Method for Estimating the Parameters of Induction Machine Models,” IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition, San Jose, CA, September 2009.
- Clifford, Z., J. Cooley, A. Avestruz, Z. Remscrim, D. Vickery, S. B. Leeb, “A Retrofit 60 Hz Current Sensor for Non-Intrusive Power Monitoring at the Circuit Breaker,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2009.
- Orji, U., Z. Remscrim, C. Laughman, S. B. Leeb, W. Wichakool, C. Schantz, R. Cox, J. Paris, J. L. Kirtley, L. K. Norford, “Fault Detection and Diagnostics for Non-Intrusive Monitoring using Motor Harmonics,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2010.
- Z. Remscrim, J. Paris, S. B. Leeb, S. R. Shaw, S. Neuman, C. Schantz, S. Muller, S. Page, “FPGA-Based Spectral Envelope Preprocessor for Power Monitoring and Control,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2010.
- W. Wichakool, J. Paris, A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “High-Resolution Physically-Windowed Sensors for Power Electronics Applications,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2010.
- J. J. Cooley, E. Seger, S. B. Leeb, S. Shaw, “Characterization of a 5 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack Using Power Electronic Excitation,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2009.
- J. J. Cooley, D. Vickery, A. Avestruz, A. Englehart, J. Paris, S. B. Leeb, “Solid-State Lamp with Integral Occupancy Sensor,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, CA, February 2009.
- S. B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, W. Wichakool, Z. Remscrim, C. Tidd, A. Goshorn, K. Thomas, R. Cox, R. Chaney, “How Much DC Power is Necessary?,” ASNE Day 2010, Crystal City, Arlington, VA, April 2010.
- J. Cooley, D. Vickery, A. Avestruz, Z. Clifford, S. B. Leeb, “A Retrofit 60 Hz Current Sensor for Power Monitoring at the Circuit Breaker,” IEEE COMPEL 2010, Boulder, CO, June 2010.
- C. Schantz, Z. Remscrim, S. B. Leeb, “Electrical Determination of Reciprocating Compressor Instantaneous Angular Speed,” International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, C2474, July 12-15, 2010.
- Orji, U., C. Schantz, D. E. Barber, S. B. Leeb, R. W. Cox, A. J. Goshorn, K. Thomas, “Electrical-Based Condition Monitoring using Shaft Speed Oscillation Harmonics,” ASNE Day 2011, Crystal City, Arlington, VA, February 2011.
- Cooley, J., S. B. Leeb, “Per Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Multilevel Output DC-DC Switched Capacitor Converters,” Applied Power Electronics Conference, Fort Worth, TX, March 2011.
- Wichakool, W., Z. Remscrim, U. A. Orji, S. B. Leeb, “A Waveform-Based Power Estimator for Variable Power Loads,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011.
- Donnal, J., U. Orji, C. Schantz, J. Moon, S. B. Leeb, J. Paris, A. Goshorn, K. Thomas, J. Dubinsky, R. Cox, “VAMPIRE: Accessing a Life-Blood of Information for Maintenance and Damage Assessment,” ASNE Day 2012, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA, February 2012.
- Chang, A., J. J. Cooley, S. B. Leeb, “Design Considerations in Distributed MPPT Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters for PV Energy Extraction and Cost Effectiveness,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Florida, February 2012.
- Schantz, C., S. B. Leeb, “Nonintrusive Fault Detection in Reciprocating Compressors,” International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, C2517, July 16-19, 2012. (FIRST PRIZE PAPER, International Compressor Engineering Conference.)
- Moon, Jinyeong, John Donnal, Jim Paris, Steven B. Leeb, “VAMPIRE: A Magnetically Self-powered Sensor Node Capable of Wireless Transmission,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, California, March 2013.
- Banerjee, Arijit, Michael Tomovich, Steven B. Leeb, James Kirtley, “Control Architecture for a Doubly-fed Induction Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, California, March 2013.
- Chang, A., S. B. Leeb, “Improved Transient Response Control Strategy and Design Considerations for Switched-Capacitor (SC) Energy Buffer Architectures,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, California, March 2013.
- Chang, A., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, Jr., “Design of DC System Protection,” IEEE Electric Ship Technology Symposium, California, April 2013.
- Banerjee, Arijit, Michael Tomovich, Steven B. Leeb, James Kirtley, “Power Converter Sizing Considerations for a Doubly-Fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE IEMDC, Chicago, IL, May 2013.
- Avestruz, A., A. Chang, S. Khushrushahi, A. Banerjee, S. B. Leeb, “Single-Sided AC Magnetic Fields for Induction Heating,” IEEE IECON, Vienna, Austria, November 10-13, 2013.
- Chang, A. H., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “Capacitor-less Photovoltaic (PV) Cell-Level Power Balancing using Diffusion Charge Redistribution,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 2014.
- Banerjee, A., Avestruz, K. Surakitbovorn, A. Chang, S. B. Leeb, “Uniform Single-Sided Induction Heating Using Multiphase, Multi-resonant Halbach Windings,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 2014.
- Banerjee, A., Chang, K. Surakitbovorn, B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “Switched Doubly-fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 2014.
- Donnal, J., S. B. Leeb, “WattsWorth: Monitor Electric Power Anywhere,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 2014.
- El-Sayed, M. and S. Leeb, “Evaluation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms for Photovoltaic Electricity Generation in Kuwait,” International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Cordoba, Spain, April 2014.
- Banerjee, A., Chang, K. Surakitbovorn, B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “Switched Doubly-fed Machine for Ship Propulsion,” Electric Machines Technology Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, May 2014.
- Schantz, C., B. Sennett, J. Donnal, M. Gillman, S. Leeb, “Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Water (WaterNILM),” Urban Water 2014, The Algarve, Portugal, May 2014.
- Schantz, C., J. Donnal, S. Leeb, P. N. Marimuthu, S. Habib, “WaterWOLF: Water Watch on Load Flow,” Urban Water 2014, The Algarve, Portugal, May 2014.
- Moon, J., S. B. Leeb, “Power Flow Control and Regulation Circuits for Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” IEEE COMPEL Workshop, Spain, June 2014.
- Bastami, A., A. Avestruz, S. B. Leeb, “Teaching Modeling, Control, and Simulation in a Modular Kit for Power Electronics,” IEEE COMPEL Workshop, Spain, June 2014.
- Avestruz, A., Rinehart, M. D., S. B. Leeb, “Optimization of Spread-Spectrum MSK Sequences and Passive Multi-resonant Bandpass Rectifiers for Wireless Power Transfer with Low Electromagnetic Interference,” IEEE COMPEL Workshop, Spain, June 2014.
- Chang, A. H., S. B. Leeb, “Differential Diffusion Charge Redistribution for Photovoltaic Cell-Level Power Balancing,” International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Milwaukee, USA, October 2014.
- Avestruz, A., A. H. Chang, S. B. Leeb, “Quad-Switch Push-Pull (QSPP) RF Amplifier with Direct, Simultaneous Modulation of Phase and Pulse Position for Spread-Spectrum Power Applications,” IEEE APEC, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2015, pp. 3367-3374.
- El-Sayed, M. and S. B. Leeb, “Fuzzy Logic Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Boost Converter for Solar Photovoltaic System in Kuwait,” International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Cordoba, Spain, March 2015.
- Banerjee, A., S. B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “A Comparison of Switched Doubly-fed Machine Drive Topologies for High Power Applications,” IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, May 2015.
- Banerjee, A., S. B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “Seamless Grid Interaction for a Switched Doubly-fed Machine Propulsion Drive,” IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, May 2015.
- Banerjee, A., S. B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “Transient Performance Comparison of Switched Doubly-fed Machine Propulsion Drives,” IEEE ITEC, Dearborn, Michigan, June 2015.
- Moon, J., S. B. Leeb, “Power Loss Analysis with High Primary Current in Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” IEEE COMPEL, Vancouver, Canada, July 2015.
- Zhang, R., A. Avestruz, J. White, S. B. Leeb, “Design of Resonance Damping via Control Synthesis,” IEEE COMPEL, Vancouver, Canada, July 2015.
- Moon, J., S. B. Leeb, “Enhancement on Energy Extraction from Magnetic Energy Harvesters,” IEEE ECCE, Montreal, Canada, September 2015, pp. 427-433.
- Bredariol, G., Donnal, J. Cotta, W. S. B. Leeb, “Shipboard Automatic Watchstander,” American Society of Naval Engineers ASNE Day 2016, Crystal City, Arlington, VA, March 2016.
- Banerjee, A., B. Leeb, J. L. Kirtley, “Performance Comparison of Transfer Switch Topologies in Switched Doubly-Fed Machine Drives,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 2016, pp. 2881-2888.
- Lindahl, P., J. Donnal, S. B. Leeb, G. Bredariol, “Noncontact sensors and Nonintrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) aboard the USCGC SPENCER,” IEEE AutoTestCon 2016, Anaheim, CA, September 2016, pp. 1-10.
- Moon, J., P. Lindahl, J. Donnal, S. B. Leeb, R. Zachar, W. Cotta, C. Schantz, “A Nonintrusive Magnetically Self-powered Vibration Sensor for Automated Condition Monitoring of Electromechanical Machines,” IEEE AutoTestCon 2016, Anaheim, CA, September 2016.
- Donnal, J., C. Schantz, J. Moon, P. Lindahl, S. B. Leeb, “Stethoscopes for Nonintrusive Monitoring,” IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Glassboro, NJ, March 2017.
- Nation, J., A. Aboulian, D. Green, P. Lindahl, J. Donnal, S. B. Leeb, G. Bredariol, K. Stevens, “Nonintrusive Monitoring for Shipboard Fault Detection,” IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Glassboro, NJ, March 2017.
- Bredariol, G., K. Stevens, J. Nation, A. Aboulian, P. Lindahl, S. B. Leeb, “A Smarter Tactical Decision Aid,” American Society of Naval Engineers TSS (ASNE Day) 2017, Crystal City, Arlington, VA, February 2017.
- Kane, T., D. Green, A. Aboulian, G. Bredariol, J. Donnal, P. Lindahl, S. Leeb, “NILM: Smarter Shipboard Monitoring for the Modern Fleet,” ASNE Advanced Machinery Technology Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, March 2018.
- Gutierrez, M., P. Lindahl, A. Banerjee, and S. B. Leeb, “Controlling the Input Impedance of Constant Power Loads,” 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), San Antonio, TX, 2018, pp. 3452-3458.
- Green, D., P. Lindahl, S. Leeb, T. Kane, S. Kidwell, and J. Donnal, “Dashboard: Nonintrusive Electromechanical Fault Detection and Diagnostics,” 2019 IEEE AUTOTESTCON, 2019, pp. 1-9.
- Saathoff, E. K., Z. J. Pitcher, S. R. Shaw, and S. B. Leeb, “Inrush Current Testing,” 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 2319-2326.
- Kircher, K. J., Y. Cai, L. K. Norford, and S. B. Leeb, “Controlling big, diverse, nonlinear load aggregations for grid services by adjusting device setpoints,” 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, TX, USA, 2021, pp. 6377-6384.
- Langham, A. W., J. Donnal, and S. Leeb, “NILM-Net: Anonymous Coordination of Real-Time Power Monitors for Smart Grid Applications,” 2023 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Denver, CO, USA, 2023, pp. 62-66.
- Krause, T. C., J. L. Kirtley, and S. B. Leeb, “Approximate Protocol for Increased Induction Motor Drive Efficiency,” 2023 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-6.
- Monagle, D. et al., “Build to Win: Electrical Hardware Opportunities for STEM Education,” 2024 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), Princeton, NJ, USA, 2024, pp. 1-7.
- Transient Event Detector for Use in Nonintrusive Load Monitoring Systems, U.S. Patent Number 5,483,153, issued January 9, 1996.
- Electromagnetically Triggered, Responsive Gel-Based Drug Delivery Device, U.S. Patent Number 5,643,246, issued July 1, 1997.
- A DC Power Supply Controller, U.S. Patent Number 5,656,923, issued August 12, 1997.
- Multiprocessing Transient Event Detector for Use in a Nonintrusive Electrical Load Monitoring System, U.S. Patent Number 5,717,325, issued February 10, 1998.
- Electromagnetically Triggered, Responsive Gel-Based Drug Delivery Device, U.S. Patent Number 5,830,207, issued November 3, 1998.
- Dual-Use Electronic Transceiver Set for Wireless Data Networks, U.S. Patent Number 6,198,230, issued March 6, 2001.
- Communications System, U.S. Patent Number 6,400,482, issued June 4, 2002.
- Dual-Use Electronic Transceiver Set for Wireless Data Networks (CIP), U.S. Patent Number 6,426,599, issued July 20, 2002.
- Analog and Digital Electronic Receivers for Dual-Use Wireless Data Networks, U.S. Patent Number 6,504,633, issued January 7, 2003.
- Non-Flickering Illumination-Based Communication, U.S. Patent Number 6,794,831, issued September 21, 2004.
- Non-Visible Communications Systems, U.S. Patent Number 6,954,591, issued October 11, 2005.
- Communication with Non-Flickering Illumination, U.S. Patent Number 7,016,115, issued March 21, 2006.
- Smart Cutting Fluids, U.S. Patent Number 7,060,663, issued June 13, 2006.
- Working Materials with Smart Cutting Fluids, U.S. Patent Number 7,776,803, issued August 17, 2010.
- Fluorescent Lamp with Integral Proximity Sensor for Building Energy Management, U.S. Patent Number 7,923,936, issued April 12, 2011.
- Multi-Frequency Dual-Use System, U.S. Patent Number 8,150,268, issued April 3, 2012.
- Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Power and Other Parameters, U.S. Patent Number 8,344,724, issued January 1, 2013.
- Multi-Frequency Dual-Use System, U.S. Patent Number 8,886,053, issued November 11, 2014.
- Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Power and Other Parameters, U.S. Patent Number 8,907,664, issued December 2014.
- Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Multilevel Output DC-DC Switched Capacitor Converters, U.S. Patent Number 9,024,478, issued May 5, 2015.
- Stacked Switched Capacitor Energy Buffer Circuit Architecture, U.S. Patent Number 9,374,020, issued June 21, 2016.
- Systems Approach to Photovoltaic Energy Extraction, U.S. Patent Number 9,407,164, issued August 2, 2016.
- Enhanced Stacked Switched Capacitor Energy Buffer Circuit, U.S. Patent Number 9,762,145, issued September 12, 2017.
- Method and Apparatus for Producing an Asymmetric Magnetic Field, U.S. Patent Number 9,786,423, issued October 10, 2017.
- Non-Intrusive Monitoring, U.S. Patent Number 9,945,692, issued April 17, 2018.
- Stacked Switched Capacitor Energy Buffer Circuit, U.S. Patent Number 10,218,289, issued February 26, 2019.
- Non-Intrusive Monitoring, U.S. Patent Number 11,262,386, issued March 1, 2022.
- Power Line Communication for Low-Bandwidth Control and Sensing, U.S. Patent Number 11,888,548, issued January 30, 2024.
- Voltage Waveform Transient Identification and Autonomous Load Coordination, U.S. Patent Number 12,107,421, issued October 1, 2024.